How to Attract and Activate Abundance of Money Prosperity Luck and Wealth

mark joe
10 min readJun 12, 2021
How to Attract Abundance

Who among us does not want to feel abundance in all of his life, and in all its stages, and everything that belongs to it and what he owns, and who among us does not think or does not have time to think that reaching abundance is difficult, rather it is Now that you have discovered the relationship between abundance and the Law of Attraction and what is based on it, this can be changed. By reading this article, you can enhance the concept of comfort, abundance and the law of attraction and make it a part of your daily life, and activate it to get what you want.

In your opinion, what is the meaning of abundance? And how can it be present in your life?

After I ask you, you will answer with the following:

Abundance is my goal, so to understand the Law of Attraction and how to apply it and how to make it work, in the end I don’t have enough of everything, and I need more money, more time, more rest, and more of almost everything. the meaning of abundance; They are having a large amount be enough for me.

After your answer, I will tell you the following:


Our concept of abundance is unclear; It is so much that it suffices you and increases, rather it is so much that it suffices you and increases and suffices the whole universe and increases, abundance is your feeling that what you have is infinite, does not end at a limit or at a certain point, imagine that you own a bottle of juice, but this bottle Endless magic, then you will not be afraid that the juice will not be enough, this is the meaning of true abundance.

We, in this infinite universe, do not deal with its infinite extension, but rather with our finite details; This is because since we were young and all our lives we have only dealt with the idea of ​​the finite.

The result is our ideas of few and scarcity; The things around us have become so limited that they are no longer sufficient for our needs.

How can the oligarch be abandoned?

How to attract abundance in your life

After we lived a period of our lives in scarcity, and the principle of no abundance, in this unlimited universe, which has a great abundance of everything, it is time to change this concept, and embrace abundance, existence, and goodness, when your way of thinking becomes about abundance, you will find more From everything, everything will become without limits, or quantities.

But the question remains, how do we abandon the few? How can we live by abundance? The answer is simple: just follow some of the following rules, and you will find the principle of abundance firmly established in your heart smoothly and easily

1) Thanks and gratitude

Thanks And Gratitude

In addition to the fact that gratitude is an important and effective way to activate the Law of Attraction, it is also one of the most important rules and methods that help in obtaining the principle of abundance.

When you start your day by thanking for a lot of things, thanking you for being there, your senses and eyes, being able to walk and talk, being in a family, and being an active person in it, thanking you for water, air, earth and everything around you including you, this thankfulness will give you more things that You deserve thanks, and you will find more blessings in your life without realizing their importance, the things that disturb your life will be reduced, and your negative view of them will decrease.

And after a little — just a little — of thanking, you will discover that you own everything, and everything you have is worthy of gratitude, even the things that you were trying to change, you will start looking at the positives in them, as soon as your view turns from negative to positive.

2)Focus on what you want

Because our focus is on something that attracts it to us, we must pay attention to the things that occupy our mind, in order to reduce our suffering.

The time of your life you have, convinced that you need more and more, and that you do not have enough of anything, has drawn it to you, you have become really lacking in everything, and you are not the only one but the world as a whole, everyone lives according to few or scarcity, And he ignores the infinity even though we live in an infinite world, in one galaxy of an unknown number of them, we can count hundreds of stars that we see, and at the same time we know that there are more and more that we cannot reach the large number that expresses the stars.

When you have an amount of money, and all your focus is on that this amount is not enough, and you cannot benefit from it as you should, notice what you will find, you will find the things you want have increased in price, and you may encounter some circumstances that force you to spend a large amount without To achieve the achievements you have been dreaming of.

But if you focus on that what you have is enough for what you want, you will find on your way to achieving what you want a lot of opportunities and facilities, until you achieve what you want with the amount you have, and do not be surprised if you have some of it.

3)The source of abundance

Attract Abundance in your life

You may own the whole world, and at the same time you may feel the need for more, and you may only have your ability to live and feel that you have everything, you are the one who determines what you need to be happy, you may have lived your life, and until this moment you are convinced that “you want more to get it” On rest.” This principle will appear literally in your life, and will appear in the same order, i.e.:

  • You won’t be satisfied until you get more.
  • You didn’t specify the amount, so you’ll still want more and more.

Accordingly, you will not get the comfort you set by having more and more of everything in this infinite universe.

But when your idea is “I feel good,” “I have enough to be happy,” this is what will come true literally, and in order, that is:

  • You will feel permanently and fundamentally comfortable.
  • Whatever you have will be enough for you.

Accordingly, you have abandoned the idea: the permanent need, then you are the one who determines your need, and your ability to live, through your view of things and your thoughts, so you have to believe that you are the source of abundance and everything, by changing your view of life, the universe and need.

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4)No to everything

Attract Abundance in your life

Do you think you can have everything, and if I told you now and at this moment: Take all this planet, would you be able to own it? of course not.

So you do not need: (everything), because the universe is infinite and there is no existence of everything in the first place, it is not possible to determine the value of everything, and therefore you have to realize that you do not need (everything), you need to feel (everything) Feeling comfortable with everything you have.

5)Ownership is temporary

The saying: “You shall take nothing to the grave”; It is a true saying, that our possession of anything is temporary, and it exists only until it temporarily meets our moral need.

Having toys in your childhood, it was everything to you, you valued your possessions with your toys, sweets or pieces of chocolate, this was your temporary need, which changed after a few years, so what you own of clothes or music is the most important to you, And soon your view of need changed, and it became money and cars, and imagine when you turn ninety what are your needs, then you will have realized that what you need is in the heart, because you discovered that you will not get everything and you will not get it forever, so from now Adopt this principle, and feel the importance of morale, and your sense of abundance from within, away from temporary physical possession.

Why might you not abandon the principle of few?

Attract abundance in your life

You may not be convinced by the previous rules, and you may have tried and failed, but are there any reasons for that? Answer: Yes, there are reasons that may prevent you from abandoning the principle of few, and prevent the adoption of abundance and the law of attraction and when you identify these reasons, they are easy to overcome.

1)Our upbringing is based on the principle of few
It may be difficult to change what we were raised on, and what we learned from our parents, and they, in turn, were brought up on it, but the time has come to change it, so that it does not continue and leak into our children.

It’s like a name but it’s much easier, can you imagine how hard it is to change your name, how you will have to answer when someone calls you by other than your name.

Activating abundance in this is through accepting reality, and then building new beliefs about abundance and goodness, and strengthening your feeling that this is your duty for the sake of those around you and for the sake of your children, grandchildren, and generations as well.

2 )Fear of responsibility
You may feel afraid that you are the one who caused this to himself, you are the one who attracted poverty and few, and you could simply attract abundance and happiness, and change your perception of it.

The solution is simple, you have to bear your responsibility towards yourself, your family, and those around you, and if you change your thoughts and determine what you want to focus on, the matter in the end is not a court or punishment, you are on your way to abundance and it is your duty to take the right step, and believe in your ability to live with abundance.

3)Feeling important and sacrificing
You may feel important and happy by feeling sacrificed and able to bear this scarcity and scarcity, you may be afraid of losing that feeling if you stop needing more.

As for people who are in abundance; They transcend the need for sacrifice in order to make themselves feel important, they feel important just because they are here, and all you have to do is experience the feeling of abundance, the feeling that will make you rest from the fatigue of sacrifice and endurance, and make sure that you are important in this universe.

It may be feeling unworthy of anything that attracts you more to less, deprives you of abundance, you may feel that you work less, or you deserve only so much abundance.

As for the one who lives in abundance, he is a person who understands that he deserves all this, rather he deserves more of it and more of everything, and here a distinction must be made between that he deserves or that he needs, the first reinforces the law of abundance and the second reinforces scarcity.

All you have to do is convince yourself that you deserve plenty, everyone deserves it, enjoy your deserving more and more.

Law of Attraction Through The Bible How To Attract Everything in Your Life.

How can abundance and the law of attraction be enhanced and activated?

Attract abundance in your life

You can enhance and modify the Law of Abundance and the Law of Attraction to get more good for your life through some of the following:

  • Feel entitled to what you want, what you have, and what you are.
  • Thank you for everything you have, and find more to thank for.
  • Don’t refuse anything, you just have to accept.
  • Enjoy receiving everything you get.
  • Live with abundance as something that cannot be possessed but can be discovered through morals.
  • Don’t let your love of possessions affect you negatively.

In the end I can say that activating abundance and the law of attraction will bring you abundance, and more good, and make you rearrange your thoughts over everything, absolutely everything, and let go of few and scarcity will bring you a feeling of inner perfection, happiness, and comfort.

