How To Lose Weight On The Keto Diet!

mark joe
8 min readMay 21, 2021

How to lose weight on the keto diet in three simple steps without deprivation.

The dream of losing weight and getting a fit body flirts our imaginations, whether we are men or women, but how does this happen? How many times have we determined the intention to follow a diet, but the feeling of hunger and deprivation overwhelms us, which we can not resist, and in the end we surrender to it and return to what we were, so the methods of losing weight are many but do not last, so hunger will make you give up your goal unless you have iron willpower, but for a moment !! What if we could follow a diet without starving? What is the justification now? Let us share with you our plan, which consists of 3 simple steps, but they are carefully considered by scientists.

Goals of the low-carb weight-loss plan (keto):

  1. Greatly control appetite.
  2. Moderate weight loss without feeling hungry.
  3. Improve your metabolism at the same time.

Steps in a keto weight loss plan

1. Reduce your consumption of sugars and starches:

Reduce your consumption of sugars and starches:

The most important part is to reduce your consumption of sugars and starches (carbohydrates). Once you go towards reducing the amounts of them, you will notice that hunger levels decrease in succession, which ultimately leads to eating fewer calories, and because the human body needs carbohydrates to burn them to provide the human body with energy, When it is discovered that it is low, it will automatically resort to stored fat, which is required to lose weight. Also, one of the benefits of reducing carbohydrates is that this results in reducing insulin levels, which stimulates the kidneys to get rid of excess sodium and water in the body, and this reduces body swelling and unnecessary water. After following this plan, a person is expected to lose about 10 pounds (≅ 4.5 ​​kg). Fat and water and maybe more in the first week.


To clarify the idea further, we have included the following graph for clarity, this drawing is based on a study conducted on obese or overweight women to compare low-carbohydrate diets and their low-fat counterparts and their effect on weight, and the result was as follows:

The (low-carb diet) group had the opportunity to eat until full satiety, while the (low-fat diet) group had to stick to a limited calorie count and were still hungry.

First step summary:
Reducing sugars and starches (carbohydrates) from your diet will reduce your appetite, thus lowering your insulin levels and this will result in weight loss without feeling hungry.

2. Eat more protein, fats and vegetables.

Eat more protein, fats and vegetables.

Every meal during the day should contain a protein source, a source of fat, and another source of low-carb vegetables. Eating meals in this way will put your carbohydrate intake in the recommended range of 20 to 50 grams per day, helping you lose weight properly.

Protein sources
Meat: Beef, chicken, lamb, etc.
Fish and seafood: such as salmon, squid, shrimp, etc.
Eggs: Eating whole eggs with the yolk is best.

It is not recommended to overdo it with eating a lot of protein, as the recommended amount is between 70 and 80 grams of protein per day.
Protein has been shown to boost your metabolism by 80 to 100 calories per day.
A high-protein diet can reduce cravings for food by up to 60%, and surprisingly, it may reduce your cravings for a late-night snack by half, in addition to making you feel completely full while reducing about 441 calories per day.
When it comes to losing weight, protein is the king of foods.

Here’s a list of low-carb vegetables:
Curly cabbage
Brussels sprouts

Don’t worry about filling your plate with these low-carb vegetables, as you get to eat massive amounts of them and at the end of the day you will find that you have consumed 20 to 50 grams of net carbs.
This diet is based mainly on meat and vegetables, along with all the fiber, vitamins and minerals you need to be healthy.

Sources of healthy fats
olive oil
Coconut Oil
Avocado oil
Natural butter and margarine

It is recommended to eat 2–3 meals a day, but if you find yourself hungry in the afternoon, feel free to add a fourth meal.
Do not be afraid to eat healthy fats, because adopting a plan to reduce carbohydrates as well as fats at the same time, is a completely unsuccessful plan, because you will reach a miserable state, which prompts you to abandon your plan.

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Second step summary:
The meal should include a source of protein, a source of fat, as well as vegetables that are low in carbohydrates, with this combination you will only gain about 20–50 grams of carbohydrates, and this is sufficient to reduce your hunger feeling significantly, and the result is effective weight loss.

3. Weights 3 times a week:

Important note: This plan does not need to exercise to lose weight and see results, but exercising of course is a great thing that will speed up the results dramatically, but in general the best option is to go to the gym 3–4 times a week, to do a warm-up and then Lifting some weights moderately and gradually, but beware, if you are new to the gym, it is best to ask for some advice and help from the coach, to avoid injuries.

By lifting weights, you will burn a lot of calories and also prevent your metabolism from slowing down, which is a common side effect of losing weight.
Studies on low-carb diets show that you can gain even a little muscle while losing large amounts of body fat.
If weightlifting isn’t an option for you for any reason, then some aerobic exercise like walking, jogging, jogging, cycling or swimming is great too.

Third step summary:
It is best to do some type of resistance training such as weightlifting, but if this is not available to you, cardio exercises are also effective.

Optional addition:
You can try increasing carbohydrates (Carb Refeed) once a week
You are allowed to increase carbohydrates one day a week, but of course it is preferable to stick to healthy complex carbohydrates such as oats, rice, quinoa, potatoes, sweet potatoes, fruits, etc., but on the condition that it is only one day, then more than that you will not see great success in this plan, and if you have a desire to eat a meal other than Healthy, take it on this day, as this exceptional day will boost some fat-burning hormones such as leptin and thyroid hormone, but this procedure is not necessary.

Please note that you may gain some weight during the day of eating freely (free), but to be assured that most of the extra weight is water, and you will lose it again during the next two days.

Ferry Day step summary:
Setting aside one day each week to eat more carbohydrates is perfectly acceptable, although it is not necessary.

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How about calories?

This system does not depend on calories so as long as you keep eating low levels of carbohydrates, and increase protein, fats and low-carb vegetables, then you are on the right track, the main goal of this plan is to keep carbohydrates less than 20–50 grams per day and get The rest of the calories are from protein and fat.

Calorie summary:
It is not necessary to count calories to lose weight on this plan, the most important factor is to strictly keep your carbohydrates in the 20–50 gram range.

10 tips to make the task of losing weight easy and fast:

  1. Try to eat a protein-rich breakfast. The higher the protein content in breakfast, the greater the feeling of satiety throughout the day.
  2. Avoid sugary drinks as well as fruit juice, as these are the most important things that may increase weight, and avoiding them, of course, helps to lose weight.
  3. Drink water half an hour before meals. One study showed that drinking water in this way increased weight loss by 44% over 3 months.
  4. Try to choose foods that help in losing weight, such as (leafy vegetables, salmon, cruciferous vegetables, beef, chicken breasts, etc. …).
  5. Increase soluble fiber. Soluble fiber may have the ability to burn fat, especially in the stomach area, and you can also take glucomannan fiber supplements.
  6. Drinking coffee or tea may boost your metabolism by 3–11%.
  7. Pay attention to eating whole grain foods that are healthy and unprocessed, as they are more healthy and help in feeling full.
  8. Eat slowly. Eating quickly gains more weight over time. Eating slowly makes you feel full and increases weight loss hormones.
  9. Weigh yourself every day, as studies show that people who weigh themselves every day are more likely to lose weight.
  10. Get enough sleep at night. Lack of sleep is one of the strongest risk factors for weight gain.

Summary of the above:
The important thing is to adhere to the three rules mentioned above, but there are some other things that may help you lose weight faster and you are free to choose it.

When will I see the results of the ketogenic diet?

You are expected to lose 5–10 pounds (and sometimes more) in the first week, after which the weight loss is consistent, so if you are the first time to follow this regimen, you will likely see amazing results.
It should be noted that during the first few days, you may feel some strange symptoms, because your body has been used to burning carbohydrates all these years, so it may take some time for it to get used to burning fat instead, and these symptoms are called keto flu and the good news is that it usually It ends within the first few days and some people have even added that they have more energy than before.

Symptoms of the keto flu are:
Difficulty concentrating
Stomach irritation
A strong craving for sugar
a headache

To reduce or avoid these symptoms, it is recommended to eat meat, chicken, or vegetable broth twice a day, plus half a tablespoon of table salt, and in general some additional salt is good in such a plan and the reason is that when you reduce the proportion of carbohydrates in your food, it decreases. Insulin levels as well as sodium, so you can compensate for the sodium deficiency by eating more salt.

Health effects of a low-carb diet:

Low blood sugar
Lower triglycerides
Lower LDL (the bad) cholesterol
High HDL (the good) cholesterol
Blood pressure improved dramatically

The kilograms lost varies from person to person depending on many factors, but be sure that you will report results that will satisfy you.

Summarizing what is allowed on the ketogenic diet and what is forbidden:

The surveys are:
All kinds of red meat, fish and poultry
Whole eggs
White cheese is essential for calcium
Full-fat cream in an amount that does not exceed one tablespoon that is not full
Vegetables of all kinds and in any quantity
All stimulants and drinks but without adding any sugar
Fats, such as olive oil, ghee, and coconut oil

As for what is prohibited:
1. Soft drinks of all kinds.
2. Sugar is either natural or artificial.
3. Fresh fruits and their juices
4. All kinds of legumes, such as lentils, beans and chickpeas
5. Fast and processed foods
6. Milk and all cheeses, other than full-fat white cheese
7. Hydrogenated oils and margarine


